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Some of my Lamps

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Fostoria Glass108 of 153Fostoria Wine GlassFostoria "Coin" cake stand collection
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (14 items)

    The crystal lamps were the hardest to find! I now have all the lamps that were made as well as a couple of whimsies!!

    Fostoria Glass
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    Fostoria Jamestown Pink Wine Glasses Goblets 4 3/8
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    Set Of 6 Vintage Fostoria Mother Of Pearl Iridescent 5 Wine Cordial Glasses
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    Vintage Fostoria Heirloom Yellow Opalescent Stretch Swung Vase 10
    Vintage Fostoria Heirloom Yellow Op...
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    1. TallCakes TallCakes, 10 years ago
      nice collection CGF : ) ya know "R" often has those HTF pieces (like the emerald green cigarette box) available IF one is willing to pay their price; hope you are able to complete your collection soon & look forward to seeing more. BTW, do you collect any other 'coin' patterns like USG's 'Silver Age' or 'Columbian Coin'
    2. CoinGlassFan CoinGlassFan, 10 years ago
      I am definitely willing to pay! I have all my feelers out and am searching high and low! I have no doubt I will find one. Just may take a little time!! I have a few othe pieces of US coin. Not really a collector though. I have seen some Colombian but never bought any!
    3. inky inky, 10 years ago
      Great collection!...welcome to CW...:-)
    4. TallCakes TallCakes, 10 years ago
      you should definitely check "R"
    5. CoinGlassFan CoinGlassFan, 10 years ago
      What is "R"? Don't mean to seem stupid just not familiar!

    6. TallCakes TallCakes, 10 years ago
      sorry 'bout that. "R" is
    7. CoinGlassFan CoinGlassFan, 10 years ago
      I keep an eye on that site but never have seen an Emerald Green round cigarette holder and lid! But I watch cause you never know!
    8. TallCakes TallCakes, 10 years ago
      well, if I happen upon one I'll keep you in mind : )
    9. CoinGlassFan CoinGlassFan, 10 years ago
      I found some with and some separate. They are so thin many shades did not survive! Once I actuall found a crystal lamp with a blue shade! I bought it because you can never have to many shades! I ended up using it on a patio lamp!
    10. TallCakes TallCakes, 10 years ago
      Michael, I have a Coin glass question: Fostoria made the crystal jelly compote with both the 1887 Fostoria founding date and the 1886 Avon founding date. But the 1886 is 3-1/2" tall, whereas the 1887 is 3-7/8" tall; other than height they seem identical. I understand that the 1886 was initially made for Avon but was also subsequently sold directly as well. Any idea or records on production or why the height differences? Does your collection include both the 1887 and 1886 dated pieces???

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