Posted 10 years ago
(3472 items)
An example of Early American Pattern Glass, this one is in the canary yellow/Vaseline glass color. They made these in various colors. These were made by Adams Glass from 1885-1890. The pattern was then continued by US Glass until 1895. It is a small piece 4" from corner to corner and 1 3/4" tall.
What is interesting about this pattern is that the sides have two different patterns. The opposing sides have the same pattern while the adjacent sides have a second pattern.
Pattern name - Valencia Waffle aka Adams #85, Block and Star, Hexagonal Block.
Thank you
Thank you Manikan and Jewels
Thank you very much Weirdpuckett. I amended the decription.
Thank you walksoftly
I was afraid of that too. There was a similar piece that had a lid but it is larger.
Thank you sean and Trey.
How are you measuring straight side or diagonally corner to corner?
Sorry V-I, it is corner to corner across the top.
Thank you Dr Fluffy
What you have is a unrecorded size this is the smaller sauce or dessert dish. I have 3 in this color and only know of 3 others in blue.
Thank you very much village-idiot.
Thank you vetraio50.
Thank you Dandyscandy.
Thank you surfdub66
Beautiful! Is that an oil can to the right of it?
Thank you very much MeliG. That is a 1920 Wstinghouse fan on the right of the photos. I am not sure what the dark spotted glass item is.
Thank you aura.
OH derp. now that you said what it is I noticed the cord. Love old fans too and want one really bad.
Oh come on!! That is so very different and cool. !!
Thanks so much for pointing this out and sharing. Love it!
MeliG you can get vintage fans for pretty cheap. Although brass blade fans in good condition tend to be expensive.
And thank you very much OneGoodFind.
Thank you martika.