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westclox animated key wind alarm clock

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    Posted 10 years ago

    (1 item)

    just wondered if anybody know anything about this . Its a westclox ive searched but cant find a toboggan one

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    1. kerry10456 kerry10456, 10 years ago
      1980's. Produced in Brazil....right? All plastic case? if the answer is yes, would be mid 1980's and sub contracted by Strum Clock for Westclox
    2. charlieandgeorge, 10 years ago
      Thank you Kerry most helpful i have searched again but still cannot find a toboggan one, it works perfectly but now the ticking is driving me mad, just not used to ticking clocks
    3. shawnicus shawnicus, 10 years ago
      have one without the scene just a vanilla dial,..and your rite those Brazilian clocks are LOUD almost comically so,. are a LOT of wind up clocks you can get that are much much quieter , don't give up on collecting them cause o one LOUD bugger hehehe

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