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All items148807 of 245729genuine 3000+ years old agate /dzi suleimani beadsUNUSUAL 6 STRING BANJO
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (471 items)

    These are a few pieces of ivory that ive had for quite a few years , picked up from car boot sales !!
    An 8" glove stretcher, early 1900s ish
    two crochet neddles, 7.5"
    a handle from something which is carved 6" , poss umbrella or knife.
    an ivory fish 3""
    and my favorite which I think is really old is an ivory spoon 4.5" & in A1 condition .. there isnt much of a bowl on this spoon its quite flat but a great shape with a knop drop on the back of bowl ...
    dunno the age of this one ???? Any info / comments very welcome ;-)
    I dont know the origins of these pieces


    1. surfdub66 surfdub66, 10 years ago
      Thanks aghcollect
      & kerry10456 for your loves ;-)))))
    2. surfdub66 surfdub66, 10 years ago
      Thanks vetraio50 & sean for your loves ;-))
    3. surfdub66 surfdub66, 10 years ago
      Thank you kyratango for your love :-))
    4. surfdub66 surfdub66, 10 years ago
      Thanks tom61375 for the love ;-))

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