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Nutcracker made in Denmark

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    Posted 10 years ago

    (175 items)

    This is a vintage plastic nutcracker made in Denmark. It works! Found at a thrift shop. Thanks for looking!

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    1. pops52 pops52, 10 years ago
    2. aghcollect aghcollect, 10 years ago
      Designed by Stig Jorgenson for Dana Plast - Denmark
    3. Jewels Jewels, 10 years ago
      Thanks pops! I thought it was fun much fun to pass up for 50 cents! :) thank you agh f0r that info! :)
    4. kyratango kyratango, 10 years ago
      This one could be a Sean's design object :-)
    5. Jewels Jewels, 10 years ago
      Haha yes, I thought Sean might have fought me at the thrift shop for this!
    6. Virginia.vintage Virginia.vintage, 10 years ago
      Its cool! Love it! Looks like melmac really?
    7. Jewels Jewels, 10 years ago
      Thank you! It works well, very tough! I looked up melmac, it could be!
    8. Virginia.vintage Virginia.vintage, 10 years ago
      Love nuts!! Another great find!
    9. Jewels Jewels, 10 years ago
      Haha nuts! Can you explain the user name?
    10. pops52 pops52, 10 years ago
      That's funny Ken!!!
    11. Virginia.vintage Virginia.vintage, 10 years ago
      Lol!!! Sooo intelligent nutsa :))))
    12. Virginia.vintage Virginia.vintage, 10 years ago
      wow! :))
    13. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 10 years ago
      Oooh, so that's what it is! Instead of saying what I was going to, I'm just going to agree with nutsy and say DITTO to that! lol

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