Posted 10 years ago
(3485 items)
Not quite sure about this but it does look vintage. It has a 16 inch log for a head and a four foot shaft. Anyway a wooden mallet is for when you want a softer touch than an iron or steel tool. Be then again it could just be a decorator piece. It is a bit on the slow side to use as a weapon.
That is very interesting!! very cool!!
handle looks like a broom handle so wouldn't be strong enough to use as a pavers maul and head dose not look like its been used to strike anything hard with im thinking maybe a home made crutch or maybe a bird perch or going out on a limb a redneck polo mallet
The handle is very thick 1 1/2" thick. Could be a crutch.
be about the right height for a average man height of 54 to 60 inch tall can i ask how the head is fixed on to it thanks
Thank you jacko66. I was thinking 60" too. I can not tell how the head is attached.
The wear on it is also consistant with being a crutch.
Thank you very much Sean.
Thank you
Thank you jacko66 and tom61375
Neat!! Hope no burglars come to your place when you got that. They would be Sorry....LOL!!