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Advertising Tins367 of 6571873 C.F. Boehringer & Soehne Sulphate of Quinine Tin??Mazawattee Tea
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (1467 items)

    Hi there! I have this Toffee Tin Made in England. I know they made a lot of them with different scenes on them from different places -- but yet I am not finding anything with this image on it ( I sleeping here, or slipping up LOL...). It says on it *Ludlow Castle* on the tin. I can find LOTS of others with different scenes on it them, but not stumbling upon this on. So what the HEY.......????

    Anyone know if this is a Rarer tin due to the scene on it....or not? Maybe I am just sleepy Z-z-z-z-z.....LOL.

    AS Still unpacking things here after the move....

    Thanks ever So much as always!!


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    1. racer4four racer4four, 10 years ago
      Can't help with the tin Rose but I can tell you something about Ludlow.
      I remember a book we used to have that gave hilarious meanings to English town names (I think it was Adams' Meaning of Liff) and Ludlow was given the meaning "The folded piece of cardboard placed under a leg to stop a table from wobbling" .
      It's about the only one I remember but it's part of my lexicon now!
      So, I'm at a cafe with a wobbly table....."This table needs a ludlow!"
      Unfortunately no-one else seems to understand.
    2. OlofZ OlofZ, 10 years ago
      At least mentioned here:
      "Bluebird used a huge range of designs, often over 20 in a typical 1950s year, the number of designs reduced in later years. Many themes were covered, eg places 'Hyde Park', 'Ludlow Castle', 'Sorrento'"

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