Posted 10 years ago
(1 item)
I found no markings or name on any of the items. Gives off a greenishtint that is real bright under UV light. Would like to know some history are where to begin to search for information. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
I just researched this because I have the same set that is amber colored. I believe it is called "Sandwich Glass"...and there are some variations by different makers (Duncan, Indiana & Anchor Hocking). Also, Tiara glass also had a version of Sandwich Glass (Tiara didn't manufacture the glass, but they got their products from Indiana). I read that if the flower has two lines around it, it is called "Double Sandwich" by Anchor Hocking. CatLadyKate has a great eBay guide that discusses this pattern in depth. It is really enjoyable to read. Your glassware is quite beautiful...I love the green color. Hope this helped some.
The guide is titled "Whose Sandwich Glass? Duncan, Indiana & Anchor Hocking" by catladykate.
yep, this is generally called 'Sandwich Glass'. your pattern was made for Tiara, which was a home marketing arm of Indiana Glass. The color of your wine decanter set looks to be Chantilly green which was made from 1982-1991.