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Tarot Cards6 of 7Tarot Cards!playing cards I bought at Paris flea market
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (4 items)

    I used to own a house in Boston that was built in 1865 and one of my renovation projects was to gut the attic to add insulation. When I broke through a wall in the attic, I found this card in the eves, just sitting by itself. I've kept it ever since and forgot about it until now. Does anyone know what it is, when it's from, etc?

    I'm categorizing it under Tarot cards only because someone suggested that may be what it is. I have no idea if that is accurate though.


    Mystery Solved
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    1. Jewels Jewels, 10 years ago
      Hi joe, I love it, I love finding things! I wonder if it could be from a set of children's alphabet cards?
    2. bostonjoe, 10 years ago
      I was thinking that at one point but then I couldn't identify the bird! If the bird is a bird that starts with the letter I, that might be it!
    3. musikchoo musikchoo, 10 years ago
      Never saw one like this ! If I come across it I will let You know Joe !
    4. Jewels Jewels, 10 years ago
      Haha so true! That would really make the children work their brains...i is for indigo bunting! Haha that's the only bird I could think of that begins with I.
    5. bostonjoe, 10 years ago
      Riply206 Thank you so much for solving this! Very very cool. I've already looked into where I can find the whole set! eBay seems to have some decent deals. My next goal will be to see if I can pinpoint the year based on the red design on the back of the card. The other sets that I've seen have different artwork on them. Fun!!!!
    6. bostonjoe, 10 years ago
      Not sure if you have expertise on pottery, but if so, I have another mystery I'd love your thoughts on

    7. bostonjoe, 10 years ago
      Ok got it. Well thanks again for figuring out my card!!! I've been holding onto it for a while, so it's nice to finally have an answer!

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