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RUCKL "Coral Pierrot" or KRALIK "End Of The Day" Knuckle Spatter VASE?

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    Posted 10 years ago

    (436 items)

    I picked up this Footed Knuckle Vase yesterday at an Antique Show in the City and I remembered someone showing this colour & type of spatter as a RUCKL "Coral Pierrot" decor. I also saw similar coloured and decorated vases as being by KRALIK in their "End Of The Day" Spatter. The shape is similar to other vases uploaded here with the protuberances on the sides (knuckles). It measures 6" tall by approximately 5 1/4" in diameter. I'm uploading it so as to provide another example of these quite interesting Knuckle Vases that are not too common. If you have any comments on who between the above two companies could have made it or if you think someone else made it....please comment. RER(BOB)

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    1. yesterdaysglass yesterdaysglass, 10 years ago
      Kralik imo. I'll post up a few pics if I can find them.
    2. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 10 years ago
      Thank you vetraio50, aghcollect, CindB, kivatinitz and mikelv85 for the love. RER(BOB)
      Thanks yesterdaysglass for the help. BOB
    3. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 10 years ago
      There wasn't enough room in my heading to add WELZ.....of course it's a strong possibility that they were the makers. Thanks czechman! and thank you racer4four and blunderbuss2 for the love. RER(BOB)
    4. jagsrock95 jagsrock95, 10 years ago
      I vote Kralik too
    5. jagsrock95 jagsrock95, 10 years ago
      Nice piece though
    6. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 10 years ago
      Thanks jagsrock95! We don't see too many of these "knuckle" vases up here in Canada, at least in eastern Canada. Thanks for the love to you, fortapache, sklo42, surfdub66 and smiata for the love. RER(BOB)
    7. welzebub welzebub, 10 years ago
      This shape is a well known Kralik form. Outside of Kralik and Welz, I have never seen a knuckle form piece solidly linked to any other company.

      There are a large number of Czech glass companies that did not make knuckle vases. I have always found it is much more reasonable to link something to a company through research, than it is to suggest they made it "just because the other guys did".
    8. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 10 years ago
      Thank you welzebub....I appreciate your comments. Thank you Rustfarm and IanBrighton for the loves. RER(BOB)
    9. welzebub welzebub, 10 years ago
      My pleasure. Kyle's post of marked examples is a good example of a solid attribution for this quite unique shape.

      There is another one of these in this shape on CW with an oval mark on it, although the mark is described and not pictured. The claim in that post is made that it is a Rückl example, but the shape, the oval mark, and the decor have never been solidly linked through any supportable research to that manufacturer.

      Although knuckle vases have been linked to Welz and Kralik, this form is solidly linked to Kralik and no other house that I have ever seen. At this point, at least to me, it would seem that any proposed link to Rückl would be unsupportable.
    10. welzebub welzebub, 10 years ago
      I would add that there is an oval mark which has been linked to Carl Hosch. Hosch was a refiner. In other words, Hosch made no glass, but bought product and resold it. In most cases they would have embellished the product with enamelwork, cutting of some sort, or metalwork. There is the outside possibility that Hosch bought the aforementioned knuckle vase from Kralik and resold it. Without an image of the oval mark to verify which one it is, that would also be speculation.
    11. welzebub welzebub, 10 years ago
      I appreciate your opinion Gary, but apparently you are not aware that much of the information on my site is actually based on Truitt, Passau, and many other respected authorities and previous researchers. So I would have to say if they are wrong or speculating, then you may actually be right.

      The primary work on the site which is mine alone is the Welz research, and I stand by that work as being quite supportable. It has been well received in serious glass forums, where any errors would be pointed out and discussed openly in detail by myself and other researchers.
    12. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 10 years ago
      Thank you AnneLanders for the love. RER(BOB)
    13. Trey Trey, 10 years ago
      Beautiful color:)
    14. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 10 years ago
      Thank you Trey for the comments and love. RER
    15. vetraio50 vetraio50, 10 years ago
      All the best to YOU & YOURS over the Festive Season !!!!!!
    16. truthordare truthordare, 6 years ago
      I did not see how old this was at first, we have come a long way in 4 years. Of course it's a nice Kralik. Ruckl did not make these knuckle sides pieces in a spatter glass decor. :-)

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