Posted 10 years ago
(343 items)
Today I enjoyed this cold and rainy day with Paris1925 tour the Museum of Nancy and in one of the pictures it is "the small beer glass by emile gallé"
I bought this glass several years ago, four I think, and it was not very expensive. In fact, sometimes I drink beer with it, and I was sure by the color of the glass that it was Theresienthal. I have other Theresienthal roemer or goblets and the glass is similar, besides in the internet site
you can see a roemer with the Munchen kindel
Thus my question is Gallé copy Theresienthal motifs?
The glass is magnificent as most of the glass of this fabrique. You can see a stein with the same chil in liveauctioners
There other glass makers, till now that uses the Munich child in beer containers, but they are different, the one I have has all the insumes to make beer (barley, hops) and the usual condiments (horseradish) so it is one of the olders done by Theresienthal
Wikipedia says that
This symbol has been the coat-of-arms of Munich since the 13th century. The figure portrayed was originally a monk (or friar) holding a book, but by the 16th century it evolved in different portrayals into the figure of a small child wearing a pointed hood, often shown holding a beer mug and a radish. It has been theorized that the name for the city of Munich (München in German) comes from the term "Kloster von Mönchen" or "Cloister for Monks" due to the Imperial Abbey of Tegernsee--a Benedictine Monastery near which the original town of Munich was built.
The history of Theresienthal can be find at his homepage
There you can see their were relarives of Poschinger
1836 - Gründung der Königlich privilegierten Theresienthaler Kristallglasfabrik durch Franz und Wilhelm Steigerwald
1836 - Foundation as Royally Bavarian Privilleged Glassworks Theresienthal by Franz and Wilhelm Steigerwald
1837 - Umwandlung der Glasfabrik in die erste Aktiengesellschaft Niederbayerns
1837 - The manufactory gets transferred into a public corporation, the first one in the region
1843 - Nach Konkurs wird die Manufaktur von der Nürnberger Bank übernommen, 1857 durch die Königliche Bank
1843 - After bankruptcy and dismissal of management, the Royal Bavarian Bank takes over the glassworks
1861 - Verkauf der Manufaktur an Michael von Poschinger, der schnell an den Glanz der ersten Jahre anknüpft
1836 - Michael von Poschinger becomes new owner of Theresienthal - he releases a quick recovery of the glassworks
1863 - Heirat von Michael von Poschinger (jun.) mit Henriette, Tochter von Wilhelm Steigerwald und ausgebildete Kunstmalerin
1863 - Michael von Poschinger junior gets married with Henriette Steigerwald, daughter of Wilhelm Steigerwald and professional artist
1870 - 1900 In der Zeit des Historismus profitiert Theresienthal von unzähligen Entwürfen Henriette Steigerwalds
1870 - 1900 During the time of the German historism Theresienthal benefits from Henriette’s artful designs
1869 bis 1886 - Die Bautätigkeit König Ludwigs II verschafft der Hütte viele Aufträge und Prestige
1869 - 1886 - King Ludwig II builds his famous castles and palaces and orders a lot of glass from Theresienthal
kivatinitz, I can't say who made your beautiful beer glass, but I love that you use it as it was intended! :)
stunning glass!!!
Thanks Michell and Sean