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Christmas Ornaments130 of 214Vintage Christmas ornaments  MERRY EARLY CHRISTMAS... For Jewels
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (175 items)

    Hello all, I buy entire boxes of old Christmas stuff when I see them at yard sales and estate sales and have fun going through them. These are what I found in a couple recent purchases. They are German, American, and Polish made. I apologize to those who are tired of my Christmas posts, but yes, that is Christmas music you hear coming from my house! #inthespirit

    Thanks for looking! Julie

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    1. walksoftly walksoftly, 10 years ago
      Only 51 days till Christmas is over :-)
    2. Jewels Jewels, 10 years ago
      Hi walks, I truly thought of you before I posted!
    3. Manikin Manikin, 10 years ago
      Very pretty Jewels ! I was up in my attic and saw a box of old ornaments but could not get to them before the light I was using went dead . I will go back up when I can and post them :-))
    4. Jewels Jewels, 10 years ago
      Hi mani! Oh, I would love to see them! I believe walk softly would as well ;)
    5. walksoftly walksoftly, 10 years ago
      Bah Humbug!!!!!!!!!
    6. Jewels Jewels, 10 years ago
      Haha walksoftly :)
    7. Virginia.vintage Virginia.vintage, 10 years ago
      This is adorable friend!! Oh My!
      You know that as you I love Vintage Christmas ornaments, these are wonderful, such a mix of colors and shapes, a paradise!
    8. Jewels Jewels, 10 years ago
      Hi vv!!! Thank you! I love the colors of the ornaments! Should I post my tree from last year photos? I have annoyed some people with my posts! One poster said, "give me a break!" Can you believe that? Lol! I deleted the comment! Walksoftly secretly enjoys my posts, I'm not fooled ;)
    9. Virginia.vintage Virginia.vintage, 10 years ago
      Ohhh, this is so much friend!! You dont annoyed some with them because they are just posts full of love and kind.
      Im very safe that walksoftly likes your Christmas posts, think about... :)
      Of course that you arent fooled!!
      Oh.... I love fooled people as well :)
    10. Jewels Jewels, 10 years ago
      Thank you vv! You are so kind, really! :) how was your day?
    11. Virginia.vintage Virginia.vintage, 10 years ago
      You too!! :)
      Was a busy day but good, with sun and blue sky, now taken a warm soup and listening music, Bon Jovi, make me crazy!! :)
    12. Jewels Jewels, 10 years ago
      Sounds nice! Bon jovi? Really! I didn't see that coming vv! Do you listen to van Morrison? One of my favorites, Tupelo honey, crazy love, someone like you...
    13. Virginia.vintage Virginia.vintage, 10 years ago
      I dream with Jon Bon Jovi, lol! :)
      My brother I think listen some of van Morrison but Im very honest, I dont know nothing about he. ( a shame) ;)
    14. Jewels Jewels, 10 years ago
      Got it! Jon Bon jovi is your crush! Mine? Hmmm, Let me think on that...:) Van Morrison is a lover for sure, listen to his music sometime when you're feeling mellow :)
    15. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 10 years ago
      Hi Jewels! Did you know that many of these are highly collectable and quite valuable as well! (I think the pink w/etched house 35 alone)
    16. Virginia.vintage Virginia.vintage, 10 years ago
      Yessss!! :)
      I will listen someone about Van Morrison and later I will tell you :)
    17. Jewels Jewels, 10 years ago
      Hi share! Really? 35$ I have many of those! Yay! I always wonder why people just chuck their old Xmas boxes out at yard sales and don't want much for them ever. Although not kidding, I brought a mouse home in someone's box once! I went through the box in my quarantine station (garage) and found evidence in the box and next day, saw a deer mouse run across my garage. Captured him humanely!
    18. Jewels Jewels, 10 years ago
      Great vv! I hope you like him! I love music, it is always on at my house :)
    19. Jewels Jewels, 10 years ago
      Just got a record player for my bedroom too, this I love!
    20. Virginia.vintage Virginia.vintage, 10 years ago
      Yes, I will do it! Here the same, I cant live without music! :)
    21. Virginia.vintage Virginia.vintage, 10 years ago
      I have one too, round with fm /am and cd, I use it for long times specially at the weekends. :)
    22. Jewels Jewels, 10 years ago
      Is it crosley brand? I have several of those.
    23. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 10 years ago
      Funny you say that about the mouse. I recently got one too! I have always quarantined everything first. Knock on wood, nothing creepin' round here!!!

      Oh yea, and that one is one of the lower cost ones! Cool right? Add 'em up girl!!! :)
    24. Jewels Jewels, 10 years ago
      :) I know I put books and anything fabric that cannot be washed in the freezer for days, just in case. It is not uncommon to open my freezer and find books and a vintage teddy bear in there with the ice cream and frozen strawberries. :)
    25. Jewels Jewels, 10 years ago
      Haha! Hi wp. :) Why do I get the impression you showed up at a girls window with a boom box over your head blaring "in your eyes" a la Lloyd dobler at some point in your life?
    26. Jewels Jewels, 10 years ago
      Laugh out loud! Really? At Waffle House?
    27. Jewels Jewels, 10 years ago
      Good morning wp. I see you have a lot of energy this morning! :) I do recognize the song, it is a good song! :)
    28. Trey Trey, 10 years ago
      I got a whole bunch of these can't wait to put them on the tree:)
    29. Jewels Jewels, 10 years ago
      Hi trey! Awesome, post a pic when you do, would love to see your collection :)
    30. Trey Trey, 10 years ago
      Ok I will can't wait:)
    31. Virginia.vintage Virginia.vintage, 8 years ago
      My friend, I dont know where you are but I will never forget you!
      Merry Christmas to you and your lovely family!!!!

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