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my dads 35 ford has had it at least 55 years

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    Posted 10 years ago

    (8 items)

    this car my dad has had for a life time. he drove it from texas to calif when he was in the military when i was a little kid my sister and brother and i would play in it he got it restored in the 80's . the shop restoring it closed and they tried stealing it from him he drove out to bakersfield where the shop was ,we lived in orange county he spent a week out there looking every where. he found it in a fenced off field weeds as high as the hood, called the police and retrieved his baby. he finished the restoration finally just last year the car runs and drives great. it makes me sad to think i dont have the room and stability right now to have it he wanted to leave it to me i told him he should take it to baritts i think that how you spell it . i told him he should sell it and enjoy him self with what he can get for it. i love the car its a sweet ride my dad just turned 87 last week

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    1. Harborguy Harborguy, 10 years ago
      Sounds like your dad has had a true life long love affair with this car. I can understand why he would want to leave you, his son, his most precious possession. I hope you find a way to hold on to the car and fulfill your dad's wish. Good luck!
    2. ron1939 ron1939, 10 years ago
      Please find a way to keep it. its family.
    3. Trey Trey, 10 years ago
      This car is beautiful:)

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