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Guage from the WW II German Submarine U 776

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World War Two1470 of 1531German cigeretts from soldier10 x 50 WW II German Binoculars
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (363 items)

    U 776 surrendered to the British navy on May 16th, 1945 at Portland, England. After the surrender the British navy took over the submarine, and it was docked in the Thames River so people could tour the u boat. After this it was used for testing purposes, and then sunk during Operation Deadlight in December 1945. Before the sinking, serviceman and others stripped the boat for souvenirs. This guage came from the electric motor room from this type VIIC u boat.

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    1. Pop_abides Pop_abides, 14 years ago
      You need to get that info notarized and added to the meter, it would be a shame for the info to be lost...
    2. beachbomb, 14 years ago
      Nice piece of history. I served 21 years in the U.S. Navy submarine service and would love to have it if it is for sale. Please let me know. Thanks! Jim
    3. John Platt, 14 years ago
      Hello there.

      I have the Captains binoculars and the number plate from the conning tower. Probably removed during the same event.

    4. stepback_antiques stepback_antiques, 14 years ago
      Hello John, can you post pictures of these items?
    5. stepback_antiques stepback_antiques, 14 years ago
      Hello Jim, at the moment this guage is not for sale.
    6. mflorek, 10 years ago
      Hi Mike,

      this is great item and great history. I can add some details about this gauge:
      this is so called: "Spannugs- und Widerstandmsmesser" that is "Voltmeter and ohmmeter". It was built in the main switchboard, which was used to control main electric motors. It has two scales: one for measuring voltage in range 0-400V and second for measuring resistance in range 0-inf. It was used to measure the main battery voltage, E-motor voltage and insulation resistance between the battery and the U-Boat hull.
      This gauge was built in the lever-type main switchboard, manufactured by Voigt und Haeffner company.

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