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Early 1900's Pig Lightning Rod/Weather Vane

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (363 items)

    This is one of a pair of vanes that stood on the roof of a barn near Wainesville, Ohio for nearly a century. The pig is made of zinc, and the copper rod has a great green patina. The iron part of the piece is hand made and is twisted, which makes the overall look pleasing to the eye.

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    1. GraLady, 14 years ago
      AR&Jason is correct...the glass balls were just to make the setup more eye appealing. I collect lightning rod balls, and have a great book that tells all about the styles and colors. This ball is a common white milk glass ball. The arrow is quite rare.
    2. stepback_antiques, 14 years ago
      Thank you AR8Jason, and thanks to you GraLady.
    3. betty koth, 14 years ago
      Saw your picture and noted you did not give the size of this pig weathervane.....I have one just like yours and the size is a huge 8 x 14 (not including the arrow) it is in Mint condition too......Just wondered what size yours is. Do you know the manufacturer ? I also will be selling mine as I am going into a retiremnet home and have no idea what I should ask, many people asked to buy it over the 30 yrs that I had it but I never took them serious or looked into the history of this pig.......any help would be appreciated.
    4. neat.old.stuff neat.old.stuff, 13 years ago
      Love the Lightning rod and especially the weather vain with pig! I have one that is twisted metal like that also. I have collected several different colored balls, but no arrows yet. I passed on purchasing an oid one with red glass in the feather end because I thought it to be a bit pricey. I have since realized you don't find them very often. Now I am working on an old farm house that has an arrow which holds the ball in the middle of it. I am hoping to get the chance to own it. If it happens I will post a picture of it.

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