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1939 metal Coca Cola sign

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Coke Signs467 of 1123Strip Signs are cool! 1948 Coca Cola Cardboard Cutout (Partial)
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (1 item)

    I'm just trying to get some information on this sign. It measures 60 inches by 24 inches. It's metal and has a wooden frame. There are no markings on the back. I found it in a basement of a build I purchased. Just wondering if it's of any value.

    Mystery Solved
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    1. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 10 years ago
      These large Coca-Cola signs were typically displayed with deco framing and other sign elements on store fronts or as road side ads late 30's through early 40's. If you send me a note at, I'll send you back images from a period salesman book. Here's one similar to yours, better condition and a little smaller, that sold recently on eBay.
    2. tc.itsjustme, 10 years ago
      Thank you Fifties50s,,, I havent found a place in my house for it. I'm not a collector but the building I bought where I found the sign, I am turning into a shop to start a business in. So maybe it will be nice to display it there. :)
    3. tc.itsjustme, 10 years ago
      I will send you a note Daddy_Nobucks. I appreciate the info. I was getting a bit concerned that it was not an original. I had someone tell me that it was cut from a coca cola cooler and framed and that if it was original it would have pre drilled holes in the corners of the frame. Heck,,, they may be right. I know nothing about it. Either way,,,,, it has given me some excitement even thinking I found something interesting in an old dirty basement.
    4. tc.itsjustme, 10 years ago
      Just out of curiosity,,, what does the A.A.W-6-39-H in the bottom corner mean? From what I've found online the 6-39 is the date but I'm clueless to the rest.
    5. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 10 years ago
      It's an original, not cut down. A.A.W. is the maker, American Art Works out of Coshocton, Ohio.
    6. tc.itsjustme, 10 years ago
      Thanks again :)
    7. jameyrd jameyrd, 10 years ago
      Very similar to a sign I posted a couple of years ago.
    8. tc.itsjustme, 10 years ago
      It is very similar jameyrd. Thank you for sharing your pic. Mine does not have the date on the back like yours does though.....but still very similar.

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