Posted 10 years ago
(5053 items)
What kind of a jack is this one? it's cool looking and i like the color. i don't know why i collect jacks, except they look cool. i know nothing about using them though. thanks for any help you might give me on what this is used for and how old it is.
It's called a screw jack. The 1 1/2 is the diameter of thread and the 8 is the height. It would be rated at about 15 ton
Called a "BFJ". The B is for big & the J is for jack. I'm sure you can figure out the rest. LOL!!
Blunder, your bad,lol
That may be Illinois Iron & Bolt Co.
Love these old jacks.
thanks AzTom and you too, blunderbuss2 or is that bfb2?
You catch on quick ho2. I'll let you only address me as "bfb2" without sending out letter bombs.
a deal, bfb2!
bfd 2!
I believe it is a House Jack.
thank you likeoldstuff! i think it is a house jack too!