Posted 10 years ago
(389 items)
Listed is an attachment that clipped on a candle stick phone to give privacy to the person talking on the phone.
Candle stick phones were notorious for their inability to transfer conversation without talking very loud into the transmitter. The reason this happened is that technology was not advanced enough to provide a powerful enough magnet in the sending transmitter, and you had to talk quite loudly for the person on the other end of the line to hear you. If you were in an office, or, at a public phone, everyone heard your whole conversation because of your shouting into the transmitting cup.
This cleaver device made it possible to have privacy in your conversation while talking on a candlestick phone. The two (2) replaceable filters muffled the voice so nosey listeners in the office could not hear your conversation. When done, you simply snapped off the Hush-A-Phone off from the transmitter cup when you are finished talking.
It really does work, and the filter acts as a sanitary aid if several people use the Hush-A-Phone. Pat. 12/6/21
ATT sued Hush-A-Phone stating that they didn't want any after market product to be associated with their telephones. The suit was settled in the 1950's favoring Hush-A-Phone and leading to other after market phone home accessories. This item and other accessories lead up to the invention of the internet, ……. the most important discovery of the 20th century.
Thanks for looking ....... hotairfan