Posted 10 years ago
(762 items)
Well I am hoping for some guidance on this find from my favourite thrift shop here in Sydney, Australia. I suppose it is the magpie in me that was attracted to these necklaces. But the medium is the message!
They reminded me of my wood blocks as a kid.
Are they pre- or post- WWII?
'Wood turning' means Germany or Czech origin?
I just like the Bauhaus look of it all!
There are just three basic shapes - the creativity lies in the way they are threaded and decorated.
Wooden Jewels!
Many thanks MIKELV !!!!!!!!
these are very beautiful Kevin!!
Your very welcome Kevin!!!
many thanks NORDICMAN & AGHCOLLECT too !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just great. Beautifullly turned and painted, and the almost random threading is a pattern!
They have held up well - look almost new, no matter what their age.
I would have grabbed them too! Rozelle?
Nah, in Kingsford. I don't think they are new. Just looked after. The other necklace is even better!
Many thanks JULIE 'n KAREN too !!!!!!!
Many thanks KYRATANGO !!!!!!!
Many thanks SKLO42 !!!!!!!!!
Well they do look familiar but just can't put my finger on it Mmmm ???
probably some modern counting system for preschoolers : )
I think they were carved out of an old sea captains wooden leg.. yep that's what I think,,,,smiling..
Many thanks FLEDERMAUS 'n SOUTHCOP too !!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, as ozmarty said has a touch of "kindergarden" that I love it!
Very beautiful!!
Many thanks VIRGINIA VINTAGE 'n MANIKIN too !!!!!!!
Many thanks MIKELV, MANIKIN, PHIL 'n VALENTINO too !!!!!!!
I think someone handmade them . Remember those old counting toys with beads and things you could slide up and down on ?
Many thanks BRATJDD 'n AUSTRO too !!!!!!
Thanks MANI ..... I think there was a period in the fifties when it was fashionable too to wear them.
I think people or young girls would still wear them today :-)
Many thanks MANIKIN 'n NORDICMAN too !!!!
I have a collection of passementerie (not sure how to spell it). Some of them have wooden beads as decoration. They are well made and rich in colour, mostly orange, red, green, and dark blue. My collection goes back to the 1920's. I will post some picks when I get a chance. Some of your beads look newer but some are similar to mine:)
Many thanks FREIHEIT, I would love to see them.
Thanks too to DR FLUFFY!
Many thanks GARY !!!!!!
Many thanks TREY !!!!!!
Many thanks PETEY 'n INKY too !!!!!!
Many thanks GARY !!!!!
Many thanks ALDO !!!!!!
Many thanks CINDB !!!!!
Many thanks BRATJDD !!!!!
Many thanks RADEGRUNDER !!!!!!
Many thanks NICEFICE & AURA too !!!!
Many thanks NEWFLD !!!!!
Many thanks RICHMONDLORI !!!!!