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Loetz Enamel-decorated Ball-footed Glass

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Loetz Art Glass1383 of 2298Loetz Ausführung 157, 166Loetz Creta Silberiris Vase.
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (134 items)

    I have been asked by a European friend to post some pieces from his collection which he thought would be of interest to the CW viewers. This is the first post, and there will be additional ones to come. The following information was written by him:

    In her interview published on CW, Reyne Haines (Hirsch) said that she loved Loetz designs on little ball feet. She is not the only one for sure. If the ball feet are combined with a nice color, decor, and shape, then you get an object that deserves more attention than common Tango glass. The pink one is from a variety of designs with a painted rim. It is finished with a pontil, but the rim is still painted along with the flowers. The flowers are of the Franz Wilms & Son kind, but they are not identical on the two objects. The color of the box is somewhere between light blue and lavender. Both are about 4''-5'' tall and 5'' wide.
    And finally, there is one feature to the ball feet vessels that is not too appealing to collectors, but we must live with it because it is original. It often happened that a vase or a box would not stand straight on the three feet, so Loetz simply ground one until it would. So it can happen that a good portion of the ball is missing. If you have such an object, don't worry, just turn the ground foot to the wall and try to forget this over time.

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    1. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 10 years ago
      I don't know why but I'm not a big fan of the white on blue tango... but I absolutely adore the pink one!
    2. dlfd911 dlfd911, 10 years ago
      I am in agreement with you. But the blue with white decoration is an uncommon combination and still worth having.
    3. Jewels Jewels, 10 years ago
      I love the pink and black, thanks for sharing!
    4. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 10 years ago
      Of course. definitely it's a rarer one. It would have worked better with a darker shade of blue though...

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