Posted 10 years ago
(50 items)
This copper box measures approx 8 1/4 x 6 1/4 x 6". On one side is 2 openings for maybe hoses, cable, or wire, but not sure. Inside, are 2 metal brackets that run the length of the box. I tried to show those brackets in pictures 2 and 3. Any information would be appreciated. It is solid copper and looks to be handmade. There are no maker marks.
It looks like an ice box insert. The old kind that used a block of dry ice. Your piece, if i am right would be the lower box for food. The side brackets are for shelves. This would have had another metal box above it to hold the ice the tubes allow the air to circulate between the two. Both boxes would have been in a box about 3-4 feet high and a little biger square than what you have there.
Very interesting. I have never seen a copper inside the old ice boxes. Thanks for the information