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Fritz Heckert: Marmopal decor finally confirmed

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    Posted 10 years ago

    (37 items)

    For many years the Fritz Heckert glassworks have been considered as glass refinery only. By means of the Heckert drawing books we can confirm now that Heckert produced a large number of hot finished glass in the Art Nouveau period. The most common decor was designated »Changeant«, see my earlier post here:

    After revealing »Changeant« it is also possible to identify »Marmopal« with a specific Heckert decor. Actually the assignment is not new and confirms the hypothetical attribution of Dr. Jan Mergl in "Das Böhmische Glas", Band IV, IV.389 - IV.391, p. 223 (Passau Glasmuseum). Stefania Zelasko reprinted these three vases of the Passau Museum and mentioned Mergl's note on Marmopal as probable decor name.

    The Mormopal decor consists of larger and smaller colored spots mixed with silver iridescent spots on an opal background (inner) layer. The spots can be found on the lower parts of the vessels as well as spread all over it. They come in four different color variations: orange red/brown, dark green, dark purple and cobalt blue. Other color mixtures exist, which are more rare.

    The Heckert series numbered with Th 50 to 100 (book 400) and 101 to 162 and 201 to 240 (book 500) was designed for hot/furnace finishing. 53 out of the 153 Th shape patterns bear the decor name Marmopal. This is the most often mentioned decor name on all patterns. The comparision of shape patterns and glasses of my and many other collections confirms the decor with a very high probability. For many shapes stating the Marmopal decor one can find existing examples of the respective spotted decor. But there are also as many Heckert vases with the same decor without the Marmopal decor name on the respective pattern. Only very few of the regular numbered shapes in the drawing books indicate Marmopal.

    It is quite clear that naming Marmopal on the pattern was not meant to list the decor(s) for a certain shape but to record the price. Many patters show the price without a reference to a decor. On the other hand, all Marmopal references come with a price tag. The Marmopal decor was about 30% to 50% higher in price compared with other (not mentioned) decors. The higher price would make sense thinking of the additional opal layer, which the other decors do not have.

    The images show some Marmopal examples. From left to right: pot Th 210, tall vase Th 217, vase Th 71 III; eggshaped Marmopal vase, basic shape 439/1 II; Marmopal variant: vase Th 240 with purple spots and blue threads; pattern drawing Th 71, note the top left listing of Marmopal prices.

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    1. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 10 years ago
      Wonderful research - thank you so much for furthering our knowledge of Heckert's work yet again!
    2. Rick55 Rick55, 10 years ago
      Thanks so much for the additional information on Marmopal vases. Yours are gorgeous, and I particularly love the cracked egg(??) in the center!
    3. famatta127 famatta127, 10 years ago
      As always, your detective skills yield wonderful results.
    4. yesterdaysglass yesterdaysglass, 10 years ago
      Great post!
    5. vetraio50 vetraio50, 10 years ago
      All the best to YOU & YOURS over the Festive Season GLASFREUND !!!!!!
    6. inky inky, 7 years ago
      Hello glasfreund..would you mind taking a look my latest listing, it has been suggested to me it may be a FH and I would love your opinion ..thank you..Penny.

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