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Petit Godin Cast Iron Wood Stove

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    Posted 10 years ago

    (103 items)

    These stoves are a timeless classic and are still being manufactured. This one is in excellent condition and is currently being setup in my work shed because it's not CSA (Canadian Standards Association) approved and therefore can't be used in the house.

    This model is called a Small Oval and is enamelled steel and cast iron construction. It measures 30"h x 23"w x 19"d. I paid $200 for it about a decade ago.

    These are multi-fuel burning stoves that can burn wood or coal and have a burn efficiency of 70% to 74% respectively.

    I have another Godin stove that's the big brother to this one, called a Large Round (see it in my other postings) that I'm stripping down and cleaning up. I prefer the style of this smaller oval shape but I like the green/teal colour of the larger one. I will eventually decide which stove to use as a functional unit in the shed and which one to use as an ornamental item inside the house.

    Or maybe I'll keep both in the house and get some beater stove for the workshop. It's rather nice to have these sorts of decisions!

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    1. Trey Trey, 10 years ago
      Very cool , I need one of these for my cabin:)
    2. Kydur Kydur, 10 years ago
      It would look very nice in a quaint little cabin and it puts out a lot of heat. The ornamental top hinges up and there's a more functional flat-topped cover underneath - to be used for top-loading firewood as well as a great cooking surface.

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