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My UPDATED Entire Collection of Complete Cufflinks as of 12/15/2014

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Cufflinks85 of 187Murano Art Glass Cufflinks  - MARKED HICKOK 1970's CELEBRITY( Corp.) CUFFLINKS & TIE CLIP - Topaz
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (25 items)

    A few weeks ago, I posted a link to my cufflink and tie bar collection. That post is here:

    In the past month, I have gone on a bit of a tear. Brought upon by my keen interest in swap meets, excessive eBay shopping, and this board, my want to expand and grow my collection has reached an all time high.

    In the past month, I believe I have added over 70 pieces to my collection of cufflinks and tie bars and tie tacks. The tie bars and tacks are always secondary to my main passion of cufflinks collecting, and they are often just throw ins or part of a set.

    This post today is all about complete pairs of cufflinks in my collection. No tie bars or tie tacks or singleton cufflinks that are missing their mate. These are my crown jewels. My entire complete collection that spans two glass front display cases. The first picture shows all my personal favorite links, including all the obnoxious 70's era wrap arounds (my personal favorite cufflink style). The second picture shows a closeup of some of them.

    The third picture shows my second case. These are my lesser favorite links. Generally, they are swap meet acquisitions or were purchased as part of s mixed lot. The 4th pic is a simple closeup of a section in the second case.

    As you can see, I am once again running out of room! I would like to have enough room to display the matching tie bars and studs that some of these links have right beneath their cufflink counterparts, but due to a lack of room, all matching tie bars, studs, and tie tacks are kept in a separate case that is not pictured. I will more than likely order another two of these display cases from eBay and re-sort the collection once again in a few weeks. Christmas is right around the corner, and I know my kids and wife are planning to get me a few pairs. Those will certainly qualify to be in the first case. :)

    When I am getting dressed each morning, I ask my daughter or son to pick out today's pair. They tend to vie toward the ones that they got me in previous years, which I am fine with, but they rarely pick my obnoxious wrap-arounds. When I get to wear those, it is usually because I left early before they wake up.

    Thank you for looking everyone!

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    1. Jewels Jewels, 10 years ago
      Very cool Mr E!
    2. antiquerose antiquerose, 10 years ago
      Super Collection there! Wow! ...And A belated Welcome to you too.

      Remember when Cufflinks were a popular Xmas Gift for our Dads? Glad to see you are collecting them!!
    3. Jewels Jewels, 10 years ago
      Mr. E, I remember we were talking about men and jewelry, we agreed wedding ring and cufflinks (no gold chains with open shirt :), but remembered that watches are good too!
    4. MisterEsoteric MisterEsoteric, 10 years ago
      Jewels: Thank you, as always, for the kind words and the love! Yes, I agree. When I'm donning the waistcoat, I never go without my pocket watch! When it comes to mixing metals, even hardcore haberdashers say that the one time it is always permitted is when it involves the wedding ring. Even if every other adornment accessory is aterling, it's permitted to wear the gold wedding ring. Same rule does not apply, however to accessory rings like pinky rings.

      The pure hypocritical irony of this whole discussion, admittedly, is that here I am discussing the finer points of clashing precious metals in a male wardrobe, yet I advocate the donning of obnoxious, tacky, and flagrantly outdated gold painted wrap around Cufflinks from 1976. ????

      Getting back on topic, I only have two timepieces what I wear. My grandfathers
      Seiko from 1971 and my Waltham pocket watch from 1899. I will have to do a post on those soon, and take a little cufflink posting break. ????

    5. MisterEsoteric MisterEsoteric, 10 years ago
      Antiquerose: Thank you for the kind words. Yes, I do recall those times, and I'm proud to say that I'm working hard to bring it back! ????
    6. MisterEsoteric MisterEsoteric, 10 years ago
      As always, please excuse the "????" at the end of my comments. My iPhone sporadically does that for some reason.
    7. trunkman trunkman, 10 years ago
      Way cool collection and I love your passion and story-telling -- total combined pleasant experience to visit your site. Thanks so much for sharing this all with us...
    8. MisterEsoteric MisterEsoteric, 10 years ago
      trunkman: Thank you so much for the compliments! I have always been a long winded writer, even back in my elementary school days. I get so engulfed in the topic that, if I am not busy doing something else, I will just keep writing and writing and writing, Energizer Bunny style.

      Of course, I do tend to inject a fair amount of esoterocism, but that is a given. I do have a reputation to protect. :)

      Thanks again for posting and for the love!
    9. Jewels Jewels, 10 years ago
      Would love to see your watches Mr E!
    10. MisterEsoteric MisterEsoteric, 10 years ago
      Yes! I am out playing poker tonight, but I will get them up real soon. Thanks Jewels!
    11. Jewels Jewels, 10 years ago
      Awesome! Me and my father figure played black jack in Vegas. We are both so frugal, it isn't even funny. I did manage to lose his money :/ Even the dealer was rooting for me, but it wasn't in the cards :p Win big Mr E. I will live vicariously through you, I do; however, play an awful lot of connect four, scrabble, and mario bros (don't be jealous :)
    12. MisterEsoteric MisterEsoteric, 10 years ago
      Jewels: Just got back a few minutes ago from significant amounts of poker and tomfoolery with some buddies here in town. It is just after 4:20AM and I thought I would go ahead and write up my Waltham pocket watch post. Here it is:

      The incessant ramblings took on a new level in that post, with my esoteric references reaching new idiotic heights.

      I did okay tonight. Won a few hundred, but don't think for one minute that I am going to let you just coast by referencing Mario Bros. A woman after my own heart. Please tell me it is the ORGINAL mario bros and not this new fangled Wii 3D crap. Super Mario Land on the original GameBoy was how I spent my early teen youth. It truly made my 1989-1993 years friggin' awesome. I had no NES growing up. Dad didn't believe in video game systems, but my Mom snuck me a GameBoy for Christmas and MarioLand was my meth-like addiction.

      Scrabble is another one, but I would always get challenged all the time. I busted out so many legitimate weird words that they eventually stopped challenging, and I was able to start to make up the words and get away with it. Everyone knows that "xyzopia" is a form of inner ear infection caused by mites. Didn't you study anything in school?

      Won every time. :)
    13. MisterEsoteric MisterEsoteric, 10 years ago
      Any by the way, of course the dealer was rooting for you. They work for tips. :-P
    14. Jewels Jewels, 10 years ago
      Hi Mr E, Wow! Fun night on the town! And yes, it is the original Mario bros that I typically play--We have the wii u, but I give up on most games, simply because I don't know which way to go--literally! You can go in all directions-- "young" people have a game compass that I don't just don't have :). We have a couple working NES and with the original, as you know, there is only one way, reads like a book, left to right, and there is no going back--makes sense to me in a video game! I do enjoy Luigis mansion on game cube and mario cart on wii. My son has a collection of original game boys and he has carried them around and has played in public.

      I would love to go bold and say that I would beat you at scrabble, and talk smack talk...but xyzopia? 0.O! I am; however, very good at taking advantage of triple letter, triple scores :)
    15. MisterEsoteric MisterEsoteric, 10 years ago
      Mario Kart on the Gamecube should go down in history as one of the top 3 games of all time.

      I HATED the wii version and the SNES version was just a little too flat (yes, pun intended). Playing Gamecube Mario Kart on the Wii is true family entertainment and competition that I welcome any night.

      It was a fun night on the town. My BFF lost as crapload of money (some to me) but he was still smiling at the end of the night. And I don't think it was because he was flirted with by the 21 year old hooker. We had a nice guys night out, playing cards, pissing off the decrepit locals, and check raising and slow rolling each other like no tomorrow. All good times.

      You ever play any poker? Easy game to learn. Slightly tougher game to master. :)
    16. Jewels Jewels, 10 years ago
      I would agree about the GameCube mario cart! I believe I made a mistake about which system. My son has so many systems. We went to a video gamers convention and he even bought some obscure systems with faux wood stickers on them! I said, "that's so ugly!" I bought it for him anyway :) Has your family ever played "just dance" on wii? Pretty funny!

      And haha, your night sounds hilarious! We stayed at the Venetian, which is pretty nice, and we heard someone pounding on the door across the hall...we opened to see what was up, it was a "hooker." The guy wouldn't open the door! We were watching through the peephole...finally, after a long time, he opens up the door and she goes in...I was like ah, I see...Vegas stuff

      Years ago, some "friends" at a party took up a game of strip poker, I wasn't falling for haha, not really...I played some black jack, some slot machine, just passing through a casino and it won something, and that was about it. The kids played keno in a restaurant, from what I remember
    17. MisterEsoteric MisterEsoteric, 10 years ago
      Before moving here in 2004, and before the kids, we lived in Southern California and were DINKS (Dual Income, No Kids). We drove to Vegas every other weekend and gambled like no tomorrow. We stayed at Venetian, comped, and I would belly up to the crap table playing $25 min bet dice. At one point, I had $1100 our on the felt per role. Not a care in the world. Those were the days.

      Moving here and having kids forced us to change up our habits quite a bit. Wife still occasionally plays slots and I have left the pit and just play poker now. No house edge. Just playing other players. Venetian offers the largest poker room in Vegas. It is a beautiful poker room with great action, but not really my style. I am a little more old school. I like Bally's, Caesars, Golden Nugget, and even Caesars or Bellagio.

      Vegas certainly has changed, but I do like that any given night I can don my tuxedo and the wife can throw on her mink and we blend right in anywhere we go. Few cities offer that 24 hour wardrobe freedom. Plus the 24 hour complimentary cocktails don't hurt either. ;)
    18. Jewels Jewels, 10 years ago
      It certainly is a cool place! I have enjoyed it every time we have been there. That sounds like fun what you and your wife do, I love it. You have creative freedom to have fun with your wardrobe and not so stifling :)
    19. MisterEsoteric MisterEsoteric, 10 years ago
      This is true. And working in the financial industry afford me the ability to justifiably wear cufflinks daily. With the overall push toward casual wardrobes in business, I like being in one of the few industries that a suit every day is standard. Pretty much just law, financial, and funeral homes at this point. :)
    20. MisterEsoteric MisterEsoteric, 10 years ago
      Hey Jewels, where are you anyway?
    21. inky inky, 10 years ago
      You have an outstanding wonderful collection!...and I think there is nothing nicer than to see a man well dressed in a suit....:-)
    22. antiquerose antiquerose, 10 years ago
      Hey -- You must see these EYE cufflinks!!
    23. Mister.Bee Mister.Bee, 9 years ago
      What a great collection! I like all the variety and color. Nice to see a fellow collector ... and to know who I might be bidding against in the future :))

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