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Pinocchio Bank, Walt Disney Productions, 1971

In Advertising > Disney Collectibles > Show & Tell and Coin Operated > Still Banks > Show & Tell.
Disney Collectibles510 of 687Disney & wing industries, bi-fold doors1996 - "101 Dalmatians" Snowman Snow Dome Ornament
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (23 items)

    Picked up at a garage sale several years ago by my wife.. It was made by Play Pal Plastics Inc. It sits around our home office so I can toss my pocket coins in it...
    Kind of dumb looking, but I do like it...

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    1. Jewels Jewels, 10 years ago
      I love it!
    2. Dan121156 Dan121156, 10 years ago
      Thanks Jewels!
    3. Dan121156 Dan121156, 10 years ago
      Thanks Manikin!
    4. Dan121156 Dan121156, 10 years ago
      Thank aghcollect!
    5. Dan121156 Dan121156, 10 years ago
      Thanks CindB and FortApache
    6. Dan121156 Dan121156, 10 years ago
      Thanks Bowhunter!
      Have you filled your tags?
      I could fill tags every night, the deer are plentiful on the route home..
    7. fhrjr2 fhrjr2, 10 years ago
      Banks are fun to collect. I wish I hadn't sold so many. We had an original Vic Moran bubble bank that went for $800 on ebay ten years ago. Savings banks gave them away years ago when you opened an account. Many of those old banks are worth a buck today. We still have a few and some cast iron mechanical banks. The odd ball banks seem to never fluctuate, they just increase in value. If you get a good price buy it. Banks don't take up much room and are usually a good investment if they are originals. Thanks for sharing.
    8. Dan121156 Dan121156, 9 years ago
      Thanks for the advice Fhrjr2.. Excuse the late reply please..
    9. Dan121156 Dan121156, 9 years ago
      Thanks NiceFice!

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