Posted 10 years ago
(34 items)
Ruger 1022 conversion, could not afford the Thompson kit from Squad Leader , so I made my own at work, alum frame, curly maple stocks, alum was free, wood cost $50 bucks on evil bay, and they got me a whopping $140 for the blue/black finish ( bastards ) . Thump release for mag/drum. A real squirrel killer
You did a great job. If you wanted it to look like a Thompson, why didn't you cut the barrels down in proportion? Still convincing enough.
Bugsy malone !!! ;-)
Cool weàpon...
To blunderbuss2, cut barrel down, and did not make compensator fat enough I know, was looking at lots of pictures for scale and comparison, but wanted to retain steet legal at 16.015'' over all, very kind words, thank you, roadweasel
Valentino97, What would get the most attention on your arm , this or a ring/watch ? Women find shinny stones alluring to their Lust, Men find their Guns the only thing they trust......Gems are in the eye of the beholder as not to be too candid, I had to pick a second post and jewelry is where I landed.... most blessed of holidays to you.
surfdub66, thank you, alway want a thompson, every boys dream if he is not scared enough to flinch. Have a swell Holiday,
Forgot about your creeping anti gun laws. There is no French laws on barrel length so we can have have shotguns with 12" barrels etc..