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My Great Uncle and Great Aunt .......Leon and Lucy Jane Ray

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Photographs2480 of 5217State House,Boston,Beacon St" Early XX Century""My Dad Stonewall Wallace Ray and Grandmother Aggie
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (17 items)

    My Great Uncle Leon and his sister Lucy Jane ......I always thought these two couldve been movie stars.

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    1. Armyeng Armyeng, 10 years ago
      Thanks Pat when I started the process of looking for my real dad I ran across an older man who was a cousin of mine and a older lady who was the child of Lucy Jane Ray and they were kind enough to give me these.
    2. Armyeng Armyeng, 10 years ago
      I practically live on ancestry lol And believe me the stuff some of those people were doing back then the gossip that must have flew around lol
    3. Armyeng Armyeng, 10 years ago
      One story is I found that my wifes great grandparents were cousins and as I was still laughing about that I found that my wife and I share a common set of Grandparents in the 1700's .....I then stopped laughing :( .......... So what I have figured out is if you and your husbands families have lived in the same area for over about 5 generations its a good change there is a connection lol She still threatens me with divorce every time I mention it lol.
    4. Armyeng Armyeng, 10 years ago
      LOL nah she be ok I mean after all she's family bah ha ha ha Now that you mention that alot of times the brothers would marry the widow of their brother to keep property, land etc in the family. One such woman in my wifes family was a lady named Mannette who married 3 brothers one after another.
    5. Armyeng Armyeng, 10 years ago
      Yes I am sure it was
    6. Jewels Jewels, 10 years ago
      I think your great uncle has a young Val Kilmer vibe :)
    7. Armyeng Armyeng, 10 years ago
      Me too!!
    8. Armyeng Armyeng, 10 years ago
      Lol you are right Jewels I never saw it till you said that .........."i got two guns one for each of ya" lol my favorite Tombstone line
    9. Armyeng Armyeng, 10 years ago
      I do alot of friends and family but mainly that just to sharpen my sleuth skills......I hate when I hit a roadblock as is the case with my great grandfather on my mothers side ....I recently got a few leads but this man was like a ghost lol. And the French!!! ahhhh what can I say good record keepers but they tend to name all their kids the same thing lol makes it very hard to sort out I once had 4 Marie's in the same family to figure out.
    10. Jewels Jewels, 10 years ago
      You know, I have never seen Tombstone! :)
    11. Jewels Jewels, 10 years ago
      Interesting story pat!
    12. Armyeng Armyeng, 10 years ago
      Awesome story Pat wish I could get away with no ID lol
    13. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 9 years ago
      Incest. The sport the whole family can enjoy ! LOL !!
    14. Armyeng Armyeng, 9 years ago
      Lol way back when 10 miles might as well been 10,000 to some people, I guess they just married who was around..............that old "why go down the road when you can go down the hall mentality"
    15. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 9 years ago
      LOL !! Incest is OK as long as you keep it in the family. LOL !!

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