Posted 10 years ago
(389 items)
I found this miniature wood fired cook stove at a flea market. There is no brand name written any where on it, but it looks too authentic to be home made. If it is home made, the maker did a remarkable job.
It is about 18" tall and 24" long. The oven is 9" X 9" X 10" deep.
It is made entirely of 1/8" heavy sheet metal, except for the wood grates, which are made from cast iron. The whole thing is held together by 4 stay bolts with 4 ram's head nuts, Similar to the early 10 plate colonial cook stoves. The stove has good draft as you can see by the chimney.
I made these biscuits in the stove.
With the proper supervision, it's a great tool to educate the Grandchildren on early folk lore. ....hotairfan
Fantastic, I love it!!!!!
Biscuits looks so tasty,mmm :)
Im agree, excellent to the children education, these customs cant disappear.
Sweeeet stove!!!
An early easy bake oven!