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Very Large, Intricately Carved, Rosewood Statue of a Samurai[?]

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Asian Statues648 of 997Huge and Intricate Chinese Rosewood CarvingSolid Sterling Silver Figurine of Ganesh - God of Obstacles. Unknown Markings & Time Period
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (5053 items)

    I think that this is rosewood. It stands 23 inches tall and is very finely made. There are two of them - the other being an older carving of a group of old people. A friend helped somewhat clean out their attic today and they gave these to my friend who sold them to me. I know that 'Samurai' is Japanese and this looks Chinese, but i'm not sure what a Samurai is called in China. any info on these carving sought. thank you!!

    Mystery Solved
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    1. racer4four racer4four, 10 years ago
      He is a beauty! Good point ...I don't know what Chinese warriors are called either :(
    2. walksoftly walksoftly, 10 years ago
      He is amazing, so intricate!

      check out this modern bronze
    3. AzTom AzTom, 10 years ago
      I hope someone comes through for you.
      I have been searching info on these with very little luck. I picked up a few that even has what appears to be ivory teeth.
    4. walksoftly walksoftly, 10 years ago
    5. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 10 years ago
      thank you walksoftly, AzTom, and Jim! this piece is quite a bit newer than the more elaborate one, i think. more pics here:
    6. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 3 years ago
      so this is a sculpture of Guan Yu.

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