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Coca Cola Collector trays

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Coke Trays62 of 185Coca cola Hamilton King 1909 girl trayCoca Cola Golfer Girl, 1920 Oval Serving Tray
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (135 items)

    Twenty coca cola metal trays all 3 3/4 high by 2 1/2 wide
    First set of six,Top left from calendar 1900 calendar very
    rare 1994 valued 6.000 dollars second calendar 1903
    Featured Hild Clark original value 3.750 dollars 1994.
    third 1904 Opera star Lillian Nordica today
    calendar valued approx 7. 500 dollars
    bottom left calendar 1908 slogan Good to last drop
    Value approximately 2. 500 dollars
    next 1900 advertising soda fountains
    approx 1.300 dollars.
    next 1910 paper sign the Gibson girl
    value approx 3 .000 dollars.
    Last one 1910 post card the motor girl
    formally called duster girl post card
    valued approx 450 dollars
    no room to list all the rest enjoy.

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