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Waterford tumblers

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Waterford Glass42 of 73Marquis by Waterford CandlesticksLooking to identify family crystal pitcher
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (39 items)

    I bought these four tumblers today at the thrift for 99 cents a piece and I am trying to figure out if they are made in Ireland or made some where else they look like lismore pattern. The tops are more rounded than straight up like most of the ones I have been able to find online. Any Waterford experts out there have any thoughts?

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    1. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
      thanks Weirdpuckett!
    2. TubeAmp TubeAmp, 10 years ago
      I believe if it just says "Waterford" then it was made in Ireland. If it says "Marquis by Waterford" that denotes glass and crystal produced anywhere in the World to Waterford's standards. Also, the Seahorse was added to the mark in 2000, so they are no older than fifteen years.

      T A
    3. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
      Thanks for that information T A!!
    4. TubeAmp TubeAmp, 10 years ago
      They do have an A-Z archive of patterns at their site. And a Google picture search for "Waterford double old fashioned" does present a few styles like yours, but not exactly the same cutting pattern, i.e. Glenmede.

      Happy to help,

      T A
    5. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
      Thanks again I wiil check this out. Have a great day!
    6. MamaT MamaT, 10 years ago
      I use this site a lot.....
    7. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
      thanks mamat!
    8. Coinscoins1977 Coinscoins1977, 10 years ago
      Glasslove: really beautiful pieces... (:
      Is Crystal in at this time, is there a market? I find at times and think twice about buying, not sure if people are buying Crystal?
      Thanks for any advice. (:
    9. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
      Thanks coinscoins! I have just recently gotten in to concentrating my collecting on glass and haven't tried to sell any yet. I have been watching eBay some of the better glass sells well such as Waterford mostly if it is in excellent or new condition.
    10. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
      thanks nuts I am just an amateur!! lol
    11. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
      It is a nice bright spot in the kitchen to take pictures
    12. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 10 years ago
      That's great info T.A.!!! I thank you too :)
    13. TubeAmp TubeAmp, 10 years ago
      Happy to help, Share.

      T A

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