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1920-1930 Ruby glass cocktail shaker with sailfish motif

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Zowie's loves849 of 1827Dragon tea setMaine Sewing Items, Scissor Basket and Curly Thimble Basket circa 1920-1930
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (3 items)

    This is a great example of a 1920-1930's ruby glass cocktail shaker with a silver overlay by Rockwell Silver Co. of Meridan, Connecticut. Their letterhead would read "The Rockwell Silver Company - Silver Deposit Manufacturers, Decorators of Glassware and China." The "Rockwell" trademark earned the respect of the trade as they were pledged to the policy of producing an artistic and harmonious product. The firm had been a leader in the production of depositware since its beginning in 1907. This is a action packed big gamefishing scene with two guys in an open 1920 "skiff" type fishing boat going at it with a giant swordfish. The super rich details even include the boats name "Spree". The American author Zane Grey was the first to write about big game fishing for tuna and marlin from a small motorboat with a fishing pole, and made the "Sport" popular. Our man Hemingway later turnd it in to legend. This is a superb set and includes 2- 3 oz Cocktail glasses (the only ones i have ever seen) with the same detailed motif. I don't think they wher meant to be actually used for making drinks but more as trophies or gifts- also they are totally functional. 11 inch tall, 4 inch the glasses.

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    1. Zowie Zowie, 10 years ago
      I fell in love as soon as I seen them. How ever you received them well done the are in really good condition. I have never heard of this company so thank you for a double lesson always willing to learn something no matter what it may be.
    2. surfdub66 surfdub66, 10 years ago
      Beautiful set !! I'd love them too!!!
    3. Schnellgo Schnellgo, 10 years ago
      Thanks for looking and the kind words Zowie & surfdud66! There are so some clear glass cocktail shakers and clear glass pitchers with this fishing motif out there. Weirdpuckett: I think that they brought in high quality glass blanks and finished them with there artwork and than sold than in limited numbers to there dealers. Quote "The Rockwell Company purchased glass from the following American companies: Duncan and Miller, Heisey, Jeanette, Federal Glass, Fostoria, Colonial Glass, Imperial, Cambridge, Indiana, Viking and Pairpoint. Their depositware can also be found on Lenox and Johnson china.
      Besides decorating with silver and gold, Rockwell also decorated glass blanks with cuttings and hand painted luster colors." Thats a lot of companies to deal with . ...In my "book" and the pieces that I have, they only worked with the best. Rockwell closed in 1969.
    4. Zowie Zowie, 10 years ago
      You sure know a lot on this Company do you have a special interest

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