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    Posted 10 years ago

    (1 item)

    Hello. I received this from my father and all he knew was it was related to the Battle Of Burma (judging that from the shield). I think it is trench art and am pretty sure the elephant piece is ivory. The rupee on top is dated 1943 and I believe the sheath is a hand made and is leather.

    I'm just curious if anyone has seen something similar or if you have any other information on it.

    My email is

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    1. lzenglish lzenglish, 10 years ago
      It could be a "PAL" knife. Does it have any markings on the blade itself?
    2. chrisggard, 10 years ago
      Thanks for replying Wayne.
      There does seem to be a spot where there was writing on the blade. I can't decipher any of it its to worn out. Looks to be handwriting in a black ink possibly. If I can figure out how to post another picture of it I will. And what is a PAL knife?
    3. chrisggard, 10 years ago
      I looked up PAL. It doesn't have the markings of a pal knife unless the were worn off. The blade looks like its been through hell.
    4. lzenglish lzenglish, 10 years ago
      Pal was the first thing that came to mind with your Dad's story, and the looks of your knife, but it was/is "just my guess". Open this link and scroll down to the RH PAL section on the bottom, and see if any match your blade pattern. Nice looking Keepsake from your Dad either way! Good Luck!

    5. walksoftly walksoftly, 10 years ago
      It has the China Burma India Patch on it & is marked 1994.
      Could be a commemorative 50th anniversary piece, made by local artisans.

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