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Small Fire King Jadeite Collection

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Anchor Hocking Glassware114 of 206Anchor Hocking Cake Platter Large Green Depression Glass Bowl Hocking Glass Mayfair Pattern
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (16 items)

    Fire King Jade-ite has grown in popularity over the years. These pieces are from an estate sale I attended in Wisconsin. The plate is from their restaurantware line and the two cups usually include square saucers. I just love the shade of green of Jadeite.

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    1. racer4four racer4four, 10 years ago
      Very popular as you say, but it is really really appealing.
    2. MannHandledVintage MannHandledVintage, 10 years ago
      @weirdpuckett Yep, they are.
    3. MannHandledVintage MannHandledVintage, 10 years ago
      @Weirdpuckett You know, I do feel like I find quite a bit. It depends on the week though.

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