Posted 10 years ago
(649 items)
This shell vase is in the same size and shape as those posted by Alfredo and Gary previously, except that the applied elements are imperial red (kaiserrot), rather than the aqua colored uranium glass.
This is a shape that was used over nearly the entire span of the Loetz operation - from the 1890s (PN I-7002/1/C) with coral branches, then later around 1908 with branches and pearls (PN II-6216-6218), then in the 1930s (with applied leaves and controlled bubble glass) presumably until they stopped operations (Series III PN unknown at this time).
This piece is about 4.5" tall, and about 5.5" long. It has the square Loetz "Made in Czecho-slovakia" acid-stamped mark (one of the most legible ones I've seen).