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Beaux Arts Ball New York January 23, 1931

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    Posted 10 years ago

    (1101 items)

    Beaux Arts Ball Drawing #2 By James E. McDonald. I purchased this watercolor of the Beaux Arts Ball 1931 but I cannot find any more information regarding the artist or the painting. This was a wonderful ball in which architects arrived dressed as their designed building. One can make out the band shell and dancers milling about. The back states that it is the property of the New York Tribune and states that it is drawing II for Beaux Arts Ball New York January 23, 1931 by James E. McDonald. I am hoping that someone can give me more information

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    1. solver solver, 10 years ago
      vintagelamp, a wonderful watercolor that evokes the night of the Ball. A cursory search produced the following info that should be of some benefit.

      See page 22 of the Acrobat file, which is page 83 of the “Providence College Alembic,” Volume XI, December 1930, Number 3:

      James E. McDonald, ’28, now a student in architecture at the Catholic Universiity of America recently received the first prize for the cover design of the Beaux Arts ball program, awarded by the Beaux Arts Institute of New York. It will be recalled that Mr. McDonald was one of the art editors on the 1928 ‘Veritas,’ and that in the spring of that year he won a four-year scholarship sponsored by the Knights of Columbus for graduate work at the Catholic University. Last year he received the degree of M. A. in architecture there and he hopes to continue his architectural studies for the degree of Ph.D. Mr. McDonald’s home is in East Providence.”
    2. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 10 years ago
      Solver, Thank you so much!!!! This is the first solid evidence that I read about the artist! Gee, I wonder if this was the cover of the program or just another entry... I am new on this site so I hope that I am thanking you in the right area. "Solver" is a perfect name for you!
    3. solver solver, 10 years ago
      vintagelamp, glad you found your way back here and welcome to the board. I don't hop in here often but your art caught my eye and glad I could provide you with some information to pursue. Since your watercolor is dated 1930, the article was published December 1930, and the "Ball" took place January 1931, it seems "reasonable" to me that the article information relates to your artwork. I wasn't able to determine if McDonald became an architect.

      McDonald's doctoral thesis at Catholic University was titled “Puvis de Chavannes: His Boston Murals,” 1930.
    4. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 10 years ago
      I am forever grateful to you and I am being sincere. I pride myself as a good researcher but, somehow, this guy eluded me. You have given me a great starting point and I will continue the search. I loved this painting the minute I spotted it and continue to enjoy it very much. Many, many thank yous!!!!!
    5. solver solver, 10 years ago
      A stupendous article about the January 23, 1931, "Architects Ball:"
    6. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 10 years ago
      Yes! I read this before but I had forgotten about it! My God, that would have been one fun, crazy party! Thank you! I will save it this time.

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