Posted 10 years ago
(436 items)
Here it is ! The so rare ROOSTER'S egg ;-)
This ivory egg unscrew to open, when closed the line is so barely visible I bought it for plain celluloid ! ! !
You can see the caracteristics Schreger's lines.
STUNNING!!!! Lovely!!!!
OOOh, grouped thanks to the 10 egg lovers :-D
I have never seen anything like this! I love it!
You must have the only rooster's egg I have ever seen. Every once in a while I do find some hen's teeth but they are pretty scarce too. :-)
I forgot to say - very nice pictures.
Vintagelamp, Elisabethan, Bootson, many thanks for your nice and kind comments!
Bootson, would love to see your hen's teeth, please post them!
Thanks to the 16 egg lovers ;-)
I need a dozen of these.
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter Kyratango
Happy Easter! :-D
I have one of these exact eggs. I forgot all about till I saw your posting ;-) Thank you for reminding me. I bought it a bought 1980 in an antique store in Shasta CA while on a road trip
Oh, Wendog, now you must post your egg too ;-))
Thank you, I'm glad you landed here and loved my opening egg!