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Two-layer glass vase Loetz or...?

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    Posted 10 years ago

    (186 items)

    I`ve tried to show some details of the vase.I like it very much -its shape and rare composition of colours,but who is the maker? Once I found the same vase on described as 1918-1925 rare Loetz tango glass ,but I`m not sure.I`ll appreciate any suggestions

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    1. Rick55 Rick55, 10 years ago
      What a gorgeous vase! The amber windows make the piece!
    2. vetraio50 vetraio50, 10 years ago
      WOW !!!!!
      Tango Overlay?
    3. ozmarty ozmarty, 10 years ago
      WOW WOW WOW !!!!

      Looks like it could be Loetz .. but I'll leave that t the experts ..

    4. ozmarty ozmarty, 10 years ago
      I have a purple tango tripod vase
      nothing like yours
    5. vetraio50 vetraio50, 10 years ago
      The image you saw :
    6. IanBrighton IanBrighton, 10 years ago
      Amazing but still no more sure!
    7. SEAN68 SEAN68, 10 years ago
    8. Katzl Katzl, 10 years ago
      WOW!!!! What an AMAZING piece!!!
    9. vetraio50 vetraio50, 6 years ago
      Still in AWE !!!!
    10. Roycroftbooksfromme1, 6 years ago
    11. Ivonne Ivonne, 6 years ago
      Sounds familiar,Roy;)Thanks.
    12. Ivonne Ivonne, 5 years ago
      Thanks for the comment,renedijkstra.Its ID is still a mystery.
    13. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 4 years ago
      astonishing so unique
    14. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 4 years ago
      incredible the cut panels
    15. Ivonne Ivonne, 4 years ago
      Thank you,Sylvia.This is really interesting glass and I'm prone to think it's Poschinger.
    16. Damonways Damonways, 4 years ago
      lovely glass your collection is .... '=))
    17. Ivonne Ivonne, 4 years ago
      Thanks,Damonways :)
    18. vetraio50 vetraio50, 4 years ago
      It is Fabulous.
    19. Amare, 3 years ago
      winner winner chicken dinner as we say here,.. very very cool

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