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WWI German Helmet

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Military Helmets342 of 356U.S. Army M-1 Helmet with Cover and Two NVA FlagsWW II Imperial Japanese Marine Helmet
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (31 items)

    I got this item in payment for a snowblower repair, I had $10 in the snowblower. So, I got this WWI German helmet for $10. Anyone know much about these? I was told its a infantry helmet before Germany went to the steel helmet. Its DATED 1918, Stamped in the back part of the helmet with I assume is the manufactures mark.

    Iv seen several of these helmets, Some have a leather liner like mine, and some have a differnt style liner, more a snug fit helmet I assume. Does anyone know which style is older?

    Thanks, Dan

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    1. Vontrike Vontrike, 14 years ago
      I would be driving my Dune buggy round wearing this. Very kool.
    2. Trenchartman Trenchartman, 14 years ago
      Very nice! I will double your money - LOL --great find.
    3. pierre, 14 years ago
      Hi Dan
      Nice Prussian nco helmet,it is only missing the chinstrap and cockades (national
      colors)I would say you could get between $300-400 on todays market since it is an nice and honest piece.
      Best regards
    4. FlyingAce FlyingAce, 14 years ago
      This is called a picklehaub helmet. Check out this link for loads of info on it:
      You can also check out my Facebook page for more militaria:

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