Posted 10 years ago
(945 items)
A little Paint and assembly really dolls up the Little Bede 5 J we found last year on a Craigslist ad in Idaho. Yep! That's right! I was actually in Hawaii on vacation and happen to be pursuing the Craigslist ads in Idaho while looking for Antique Signs and Gas Pumps. Suddenly I see this cute pix of a mostly finished Bede 5 J that a dad and son had spent hundreds of hours assembling. After getting it almost finished they lost interest and decided to sell it. What I find I thought!!! But what the heck am I going to do with a Bede 5J my wife asked? Hmmmmm? The answer was pretty quick for an old guy: I simply responded that I would "put it on a pole" along with the rest of the collection at aaaLakeside Storage in Provo. We finally got home from our extended stay in Hawaii and ran up to Idaho Falls and got the little plane, put it in a Storage Unit and there it sat, until the sun came out a couple of days ago and I got ready to put some time in to assemble and paint it. After a lot of study and looking at a zillion different paint options, I finally found the perfect combination of bare Aluminum mixed with Dark Blue and Magic! It is almost ready to be mounted. Isn't America Great? You never know what's around the next corner. The Fun is in the Hunt!
I have on the hunt for forty four years as well. enjoy every minute of restoring everything !!! that's my job....
That is really great looking (and a great story behind it!) Thanks for sharing!!