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Mini Treasure Chest Held Mini Treasure!

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AnneLanders's loves228 of 1697Art Nouveau Kralik Double Thorn Vase TRIO OF CHARLES LOTTON MANDARIN VASES FOR KEVIN
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (1101 items)

    I purchased a box of small stuff at an auction. Inside the box was this tiny, one-inch box. Inside this box was this coin, an Indian Head 2 1/2 dollar gold piece! I just love it when things like this happen to me...they hardly ever do by the way.....

    US Two and a Half Dollar Gold Coins
    See all
    US Gold $2.50 Indian Head Quarter Eagle - Jewelry Grade - Random Date
    US Gold $2.50 Indian Head Quarter E...
    US Gold $2.50 Indian Head Quarter Eagle - Almost Uncirculated - Random Date
    US Gold $2.50 Indian Head Quarter E...
    US Gold $2.50 Indian Head Quarter Eagle - Extra Fine - Random Date
    US Gold $2.50 Indian Head Quarter E...
    $2.50 Indian Gold Quarter Eagle BU (Random Year)
    $2.50 Indian Gold Quarter Eagle BU ...
    US Gold $2.50 Indian Head Quarter Eagle - Jewelry Grade - Random Date
    US Gold $2.50 Indian Head Quarter E...
    See all


    1. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
    2. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 10 years ago
      Yes! My uncle actually found a few thousand dollars hidden in a small Christmas manger he bought at a yard sale...even better than this!
    3. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
      Wow what luck!!!! thats crazy!!
    4. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 10 years ago
      It will NEVER happen to me again!!!
    5. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
      Good things happen together maybe this will be your lucky year!!!
    6. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 10 years ago
      I've been buying lottery tickets...
    7. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
      the most I ever won was 600 on a scratch off a few years ago I don't buy too many anymore just once in a while.. I did buy a powerball last night :( no luck!!
    8. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 10 years ago
      I'll try to send some your way...

    9. racer4four racer4four, 10 years ago
      Even the box is a great score!
    10. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 10 years ago
      racer, Thank you! I like the box but know nothing about it. No markings.
    11. kyratango kyratango, 10 years ago
      Ha! Horse shoe, 4 leaves clover, wishbone... THAT WAS A TRUE LUCKY BOX :-D

    12. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 10 years ago
      kyra, Thank you! My all-time surprise! I love the box and the coin!
    13. Gillian, 9 years ago
      Good things come in small packages. And you found something very good.
    14. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 9 years ago
      Gillian, Thank you!

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