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Hosch Catalog - Fairy Lamps

In Art Glass > Bohemian Art Glass > Show & Tell and Lamps > Victorian Lamps > Show & Tell.
Bohemian Art Glass4422 of 6906Fairy Lamps - Bohemian - Welz?Rindskopf Iridescent Honeycomb Rose Bowl
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (57 items)

    These candle lamps are companion examples to the posting by Welzebub at:

    The first three examples are illustrated in "Fairy Lamps - elegance in candle lighting" by Ruf and Ruf. They are included in this posting with permission for educational purposes. The last example is from a private collection.

    The first three examples are nearly identical to the examples shown in the Hosch Catalog. The last example is very similar minus the tooled leaves at the top. However, most lamps of this type come in many variations and glass designs, including "pinstriped" as discussed in another Welzebub posting.


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    1. welzebub welzebub, 10 years ago
      In seeing a better example of the last lamp pictured here, I would say that at present there would be nothing I am aware of in the way of product identified as Welz which would lead me to think that piece, as represented in the Hosch catalog, is theirs. The other examples are ones that I would suspect very strongly as being Welz production, as the basic form without the light cover, is seen in several identified Welz décors. The blue example is the same mold for the pillar as the example I posted from Scott, and as a result of that, I am as certain as is possible, that Welz produced that example for Hosch.

      It would appear that Welz also produced small vases in these same body styles, but with slightly modified rim designs. Where these examples are obviously designed to hold an upper cover, the mouth of most of the Welz produced vases would not accommodate these lamp covers.

      So a possible conclusion would be vases for Welz, and Fairly Lamps for Hosch by Welz, shared some common design themes. This is very interesting information.

      The image of the blue example confirms the pedestal molds used appear the same, and it is quite a detailed mold. Likely not one made by more than one company.

      Thanks for posting this!! Great stuff!!

      I am in the process of packing for a long distance move, but if I have a chance I will post a couple of vases similar to the designs of the second and third examples in this post.
    2. charcoal charcoal, 10 years ago
      There is no proof that Welz made fairy lamps.
    3. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 10 years ago
      Fairy lamps have now been found in decors that are directly attributable to Welz and no other house, based on solid research; how can you say there is no proof? It just doesn't make any sense.
    4. IanBrighton IanBrighton, 10 years ago
      The first has 8 vertical ribs to the column and 12 "hobnails" - just like the pedestals and bowls.
    5. IanBrighton IanBrighton, 10 years ago
      This is my fairy lamp base:

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