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Matte Green Roseville Bowl

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    Posted 10 years ago

    (263 items)

    It's been below zero almost every day, and almost constant snow here in Upstate NY, so we have a bad case of cabin fever going on here. The bride and I were off for President's Day, and had to go out anyway, so we decided to visit a couple of shops in a town not too far away (Bainbridge for those who might be familiar). I found nothing at the first shop, though my wife found a nice oak dresser for $98.00, and a nice Farber Brothers decanter. At the second shop I struck paydirt! I found this nice matte green bowl for less than $30.00. It has a few glaze pops, and a bit of loss on the base that I think was from the factory, but no major problems. I love this color of Roseville!

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    1. DrFluffy DrFluffy, 10 years ago
      Great find... I love your reference of "the bride"... So sweet...
    2. upstatenycollector upstatenycollector, 10 years ago
      Thanks, Dr. F. She is!. And thanks for the loves Agh, Linda and Dr. F!
    3. AmberRose AmberRose, 10 years ago
      Hello lovely, hope you are well. Fab find!
    4. upstatenycollector upstatenycollector, 10 years ago
      Thanks Amber! I am as well as can be expected, this is not my favorite climate by far! And how have you been faring? It's been ages! Thanks for the kind words!

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