Posted 10 years ago
(343 items)
I am going to show in this post and in the next two small boxes from a collection of precious small objects Sergio has found in several years. They were bought to Dorita Ferrari, from Cambalache here in Cerro de las Rosas Córdoba, Argentina. I prefer the Guilloche Doré because the light blue color is wonderful and one of my favorites. Sergio had always wanted a guilloche object. This box was very dirty so it was difficult to see what was it and when Sergio polished it the splendid bright colors appeared. He had struggled seven days with his book till finding that the hallmarks indicated that it was proved in Swiss, the small bear mark. This indicates that the metal is silver above 0.875 (87.5%) silver content as a minimum. . The Wikipedia informs that the name guilloché is French, dating back at least to the 1770s,[2] and is often said to be called after a French engineer named Guillot, who invented a tool or turning machine. Guilloche describes a narrow instance of guilloche: a design, frequently architectural, using two curved bands that interlace in a pattern around a central space. Some dictionaries give only this definition of guilloche, although others include the broader meaning associated with guilloché as a second meaning. Note that in the original sense, even a straight line can be guilloché, and persons using the French spelling and pronunciation generally intend the broader, original meaning.[10][11][12] Translucent enamel was applied over guilloché metal by Peter Carl Fabergé on the Faberge eggs and other pieces from the 1880s. GP indicates Gold Plated, that is the same that argent doré. The lid and the body hays impressed the same number 1603. I would bet that it has been produced in France but marked in Swiss and probably it was done to hold a small lady watch since several were Guilloche like the one here or this other
Wow... Absolutely stunning....
Thanks DrFluffy
I'm right there with the doc! These are a love, love for me!!!
All very beautiful.
Awsome kivatinitz, you have some beautiful things in your collections ;-)
Very very nice!!!
They're such Beautiful, quality items.
Thsnkd shareourpassion, racer, surf, jscotto, sean and vintagefran......