Posted 10 years ago
(3478 items)
Yes I know, I like my taxidermy. My wall may look full but I'll bet I can find room for more . Plus I can always upgrade. Anyway this starts out with my door to the deck, then a bunch of taxidermy, then the weapon area, and then my desk and a china cabinet full of toys.
Eventually most the items will get their own posts.
The cats appear to have missed being stuffed.....
Wow!! Fortapache, you've got some serious collecting going on there! It all looks very cool.
A collector alway's find a solution
to expansion from inside out.
Great post.
racer4four LOL ,SO FUNNY
I don't think fortapache would like his cat stuffed.
All I can say is WOW!!!
What a great collection ! I can't say I culd live in a hose with those critters on wall but I know many guys love to have them in their man cave just not in my Girlscave :-) Always love your posts !!
Thank you very much racer4four. They did stuff themselves with Fancy Feast and are sleeping it off.
Thank you very much jscott. I try and make it all look good.
Thank you very much Alan. I am all about that.
Thank you very much pops52.
Thank you very much Manikan. I know the critters don't appeal to everyone but it is all good.
such a wall!!!
Looking forward to reading about the Mediaeval knights in armour!!!!
Thank you very much austrohungaro. The knights and Vikings are going to coming soon.
Thank you very much CindB. I do have my share of stuff.
Thank you
Thank you Trey.
...and were all coming over for Coffee and to see your collections !!!
Thank you very much antiquerose. I will pot a pot on the stove.
Thank you rocker-sd and pwcollector.
Thank you EJW-54 and ttomtucker.
Thank you SEAN68.
Thank you BECKYetc and kyratango.
Thank you lzenglish.