Posted 10 years ago
(436 items)
Unknown maker Art Nouveau costume brooch, brass with silvered parts, which give it contrasts.
2.1/8" long, 1.1/4" high, old C clasp. Only mark to the back is "depose"
Paris1925 alerted me about the auction, but I already targeted it ;-)
Pics failed to show the iridescence of the body!
The good part of buying in France is that it arrived in one day!!!
Any idea of maker? (Was thinking Piel Frères, but no PF signature...)
Wow... It's gorgeous.. What does Depose mean in French? Or is it the designer?
Depose is as "registered", but in french it would have been spelt "déposé".
So I suspect german or austian origin...
Thanks for your gorgeous comment, Nadia :-)
It's so unique and so very pretty... I love it.
very very beautiful!!
Thank you very, very much, Sean :-))
Update: Pic #4, the right necklace to wear it as pendant!
That is extremely cool!!!
Outstanding !
Wow Kyra. Drooling!
Ha, ha. Outbid me! Should have known. He's lovely. I've seen a few versions with this glass bee including full necklaces. I never thought they might be PF, but it wasn't always marked so you never know.
Also, like your honesty hair pin.
I can't begin to tell you how much I love your insect collection! Now go out and catch some more...quick!!!
Jscott, vetraio, racer, you are my best supporters in my guilty passion!
Jewels1900, that was a struggle ;-) I never before paid that much for a brass piece ...
You picked the same on your link! Amazing eye for research you have :-) (and for seeing the honesty hat pin too, lol)
vintagelamp, always on the hunt... This is really a pathology and addiction *+*
Thank you so much!!!
Thaaaank you Roycroft ;-))
And Bzzzz to the 24 lovers too !
Yes, it was a tad on the expensive side, but lovely and a bit special I think. I have seen one before, I think it was really cheap but it was a while ago. Same as yours.
It's not so much that I'm good at research, but that I have a good memory. Especially for the little details like bales and fastening and leaves and flowers. It's a pattern recognition thing - apparently my son also has it and it makes him good at maths.
So when I see something, I remember I've seen it before and some times can go find it (not all the time). Or if I'm researching something I know what pattern to look for in other jewels. Kinda crazy, kinda useful.
Voui! Je pensais pas que ça monte autant...
Thanks Paris, PatSea and Lisa!!!
I really like this bug! You have some wonderful pieces, Kyra, but this one is special! It was interesting to see the necklace on 1st Dibs -- I wonder if yours was part of another larger piece of jewelry?
Bluboi, I'm very proud and grateful of your interest!!!
Thanks to Jewels1900 for finding the necklace, this shows how makers used same parts in different designs.
From the construction of mine, I do think it was made as is, without any alteration.
A little while ago an acquaintance shared an original French jewellery catalogue with me. It showed suites of jewellery, all the same style, but in different configurations. So, you could buy one piece or several. A bit like the Dumont pieces I have. (I have 2 x rings and a bangle, but you could also buy brooches, earrings & necklaces in the same design).
I think this is the same idea. I'm pretty sure I've seen this brooch design before and it's original.
A very look alike necklace, but with opals:
Same maker and bees!!! Neclace and brooch.
Same, pendant necklace!
Thank you so much to the 29 lovers!
Merci Kevin!
Meilleurs voeux pour 2016 que vous entamerez avant nous ;-)
Thank you Radegunder :-)
Did you ever find out the maker or any more information on this? I purchased one that’s like this and have been searching
Kferris, no, still not identified :-(
Very interested to see yours, please make a post to show!
I just posted it in ‘show and tell’ under “ Art Nouveau Favrile Glass Pate De Verre Insect Bee Brooch Pin Depose” :)
This is wonderful and the fly like insect really appears asif lifelike as he realistically interacts with the necklace. Superbe !~
Thank you Phil for your constant love of my pieces! Love back to you XO