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Fenton Art Glass Poppy Lamp 1974-1980

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Table Lamps732 of 1672Glamorous Green Globe Portable Lamps, Brass, Light House Lamp & Shade Co, LA, CAflower lamp
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (1101 items)

    Made by the Fenton Art Glass Company between 1974 and 1980. The lamp features bright green satin glass lampshades in the "poppy" pattern. It is in the "Gone With The Wind" style. It matches my "Green Lady's" dress so she loves it also.

    It stands about 22 1/2" tall and approximately 8" wide. The lamp has the original glass chimneys and original wiring.

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    1. aghcollect aghcollect, 10 years ago
      I have this exact lamp except in the white color
    2. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 10 years ago

      Thank you both so much for your comments. I haven't seen the white but have seen it in blue
    3. Ivonne Ivonne, 10 years ago
      This is outstanding!I love it!
    4. Lambda55, 10 years ago
      Have you tested that to see if it glows or do you know if it was produced w/ Uranium ? It looks like it does !? If u test it and it glows or if you already know that then please take pics to post ! I must see !!! ????
      N I C E ! ! ! ! :....:
    5. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 10 years ago
      Ivonne and nutsabotas6, Thanks so much for the kind comments.

      Lambda, I'll have to see if I have a black light. I never heard that these glowed however. I REALLY appreciate the wonderful comment and the fact that you love this so much. Thank you!
    6. robin56 robin56, 10 years ago
      I love this style of lamps. I have a painted lamp that I will post soon.
    7. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 10 years ago
      robin, Thank you! I am following you now so that I see your lamp.
    8. Lambda55, 10 years ago
      You can buy a flash lite for only $5.00 on ebay
      Ultra violet UV - 1403 flashlite US $4.98 + free shipping
      * Good to carry around ! If it doesn't glow.. u'll know ! Best to be Discreet ! And it's more fun ! Like spying !! ~L•,
      Blacklite bulbs are no good ! An 18" GE or Phillips is best. Sometimes they can be dim. Take it back & buy the other brand cuz I foget which is better cuz that's what I had to do :P .. Tube will run ya about $25.00 w/ fixture . [Home Depot]
    9. Lambda55, 10 years ago
      I just looked this up and it's listed under uranium Processed which is what makes it glow under UV lite. I can spot it a mi. Away !
      I hate you ! :..:
    10. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 10 years ago
      Lambda55...don't hate! Actually I looked and up and was going to send you a link but you beat me to it. I found it in what I would call a junk store. I really do not like it when it is lit up..I like it better off.
    11. Lambda55, 10 years ago
      Then u didn't pay top $ I hope ! I saw the uppity price wow !
    12. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 10 years ago
      No. It wasn't really really cheap but I knew what I would pay was my I took it!
    13. cosmicglee cosmicglee, 9 years ago
      I found this exact same lamp in clear olive green at a thrift store in Cape Cod for $35. It's one of my favorite pieces ever. Congrats to you and your pretty green lady! :)
    14. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 9 years ago
      cosmicglee, The Green Lady and I thank you for your comment! That was really a great find for you!
    15. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 9 years ago
      Nicefice, TY again! I always wanted the blue but now like this color better!
    16. MALKEY MALKEY, 5 years ago
      that,s fantastical amazing piece of moulded glass plus far out colour
      thank you so much !!!!!!!!!!! vintagelamp making the world a better place
      all the very best malkey 1412 the omega man
      skynet early morn neutralising their grip
      6th april 2020 year
      taking me meds and off to me bed in the sky
      lots of love
    17. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 5 years ago
      Thanks for the great comment! I love the color also!

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