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CHINESE - Art Glass Paperweight ( Yellow Flower )

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    Posted 10 years ago

    (1467 items)

    This Post was for Deano - as I wanted to show him that there is nothing wrong with Chinese Glass. I have some in my early days too....

    I found this years ago in the early days of starting to collect Art Glass . I loved the flower, I loved the color, and I wanted it. Bought it. Back then I thought it must be Murano -- but alas -- was not. It is Chinese Art Glass.

    So what....I like it. It is STILL in my china Cabinet today. All that matters is I like what I have or I collect. That how each of us are. This piece sits in my China Cabinet right besides real Murano pieces. I like it enough to keep it.

    My Chinese paperweight IS a nice example. There ARE collectors of just Chinese Art Glass items. The *ART* of a collecting is like any other item you buy. You bought it *because* you like it. Simple attitude.

    Here is a link to Alan ( in the UK ) site for some examples Chinese Paperweights.

    Modern Chinese weights:

    OLDER Chinese weights:

    Yes, still have this item and on Display here (and I have others too) !!


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    1. racer4four racer4four, 10 years ago
      What's not to love?
    2. Deano Deano, 10 years ago
      You go! Collect what you like. I'd buy it as well.
    3. mikelv85 mikelv85, 10 years ago
      Love paper weights :) Not sure which have value and which do not. Some with labels others are just plain pretty to look at. Flowers are my favorite. I have one that has little bees in it and flowers. It's Chinese too but so fun to look at.
    4. antiquerose antiquerose, 10 years ago
      @mikelv85 -- If you like PW then check out Alan Thornton site from the UK. His site is A~M~A~Z~I~N~G. Here is the link:

      Plus he has both Older and Modern CHINESE Paperweights on there too. So for your viewing Pleasure. Sit back and have a coffee or two while you look through it:

      Modern Chinese PW:

      Older Chinese PW:

      ...and See this Murano Glass Paperweight here (just SCROLL DOWN some):

      I had these link posted on another CW post tonight, but they must have deleted them out (why, as that is all reference stuff even if Chinese stuff. Guess they did not like to hear that. Oh well...).

      Anyways had to dig them up again -----> Just for you. ENJOY !!
    5. Rick55 Rick55, 10 years ago
      Great post Rose. Your attitude that you should buy it cause you like it is spot on! I too have some Chinese pieces from when we first started collecting and wouldn't dream of getting rid of them. Rick
    6. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 10 years ago
      Love it! The color is great! Cheerful!
    7. mikelv85 mikelv85, 10 years ago are right Rose what a great resource ! A must have in my book marks. Thanks for the links :)

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