Posted 10 years ago
(3472 items)
Another from my last trip to the Rose Bowl. He was missing his ray gun and sword but luckily I already had those at home.
Captain Action was released in 1966 to compete with GI Joe. But instead of military outfits Captain action had super hero costumes such as Superman, Spiderman, and Captain America.
Captain Action's youthful sidekick Action Boy is added in the last photo.
Now, this is something I've never seen or knew existed. Very cool indeed!!!
bad answer... but I quite like its second class look... it makes it quite touching ;)
Thank you very much jscott0363. There is more to come.
Thank you very much austrohungaro. He does have a certain tacky charm.
Super cool!
Thank you very much vintagelamp.
Bold and brave!
Strong and true!
Streak of lightning
From the blue!
THIS IS GREAT!Would you happen to have the Phantom outfit? If you do may you please post it.
Love how he looks like a mailman, or a guy at the malt shop ready to scope up a bowl of ice cream.... well how they were portrayed in 1960s advertising anyway!
Thank you for that great comment Vincent. You did a much better intro than I did.
And of course I have the Phantom.
But I can't find his brass knuckles.
Thank you very much Shawn186. Yes the Captain does get some criticism for his ordinary appearance. His head has to be a bit small so he will look normal with a mask. But he is a tad skinny.
Thank you
Thank you SEAN68.
Thank you Trey.