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1939 "GIRL ON DIVING BOARD" 2 trays lot

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Coke Trays58 of 1851938 Girl in yellow dress,tray!Coca Cola Tray
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (4 items)

    To me it think I got a steal of a deal,on these 2 trays were sold on The Beginning on March 2015...
    Both trays are originals,ones in better shape than the other..But the one is in Better,shape ill keep,and the other I probally will sell in the future..
    They are both 1939 trays,Girl on Diving board...
    I paid about $35.00 for both..
    As you know im a beginer,with the coke tray colectables...
    And starting to learn,from other sellers,and Value Price books..
    The better one is probally worth about $55.00 and the one in worse shape is worth about $25.00

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    1. Edisonfan Edisonfan, 10 years ago
      Sarahadelle - It's great having another Coca Cola collector posting on CW. Couple of things I've learned in only collecting for a year (newbie). It is all about condition, rarity and what you like best. You will make mistakes and it’s great to have someone to gut check with if not sure. I feel fortunate to have built relationships on CW with some of the top collectors in the country. Also check out previous posts on CW and subscribe to the EarlyCoke Guide at The author, Blaine has put together an excellent condition guide, including trays. These references can be very helpful when making a decision to spend your hard earned $ on an item.
    2. sarahadelle sarahadelle, 10 years ago
      Thank you for the information Edisonfan...
      I belive in Canada,the prices of Coke trays may bit a bit high,in value..Origanls are hard to find in any condition out here,and a lot of sellers, sell the repos out first before selling out their gems,at home..
      I have checked out the,guide.and gives a lot of thinking what the early ones are worth in Mint shape..90 % of the time are worth the money,and very hard to find in Mint shape..As a new coke tray collector,that I am..Im trying to find the cheaper ones first,and try to find the mint ones later...never know whats at a yard sale or at a Auction sale these days,i have to keep my eyes,open,at all times..
    3. CokeKid-04 CokeKid-04, 10 years ago
      Well said Edison.
    4. antiquerose antiquerose, 10 years ago
      Hi and Welcome -- Are you in Canada?

      Nice to see your finds. I am in Canuck-land here and have collected a bit of *everything* including some Coke. I lucked out finding these 1957 trays for very little, and condition is Amazing!! They are still out there....

    5. sarahadelle sarahadelle, 10 years ago
      Hi Antiqueerose,yes I do live in Manitoba,,,I seen Mike General Store in Winnipeg,and he is steep with his prices on coke trays,so I have to go to online Auctions,to get my deals,and gems..
      To bad in a lot of Auction sales,the prices,go way up in price where I live,i know,Probally Calgary,is worse to buy coke trays,that are cheap...I know,i have watch Canadain pickers,and American pickers,they buy stuff and turn around and make a money out of their gems..
    6. antiquerose antiquerose, 10 years ago
      I found these pretty cheap. So they are out there. ~ I am next door - west.~ Yeah Mike General Store is Great. I think he comes here and does shows.

      Just keep your eyes I happen to stumble on that 1956 ( 4 feet tall ) Red Button Coke sign I also posted. Enjoy !!

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